What Happens if I am Charged with Endangering the Welfare of a Child?

Posted by Peter Tilem || 23-Feb-2015

Clients come to me after being charged with endangering the welfare of a child in New York and are concerned about what’s going to happen to them and their children. Endangering the welfare of a child is a serious crime, under the laws of the State of New York. First of all, it’s a Class A Misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail. It’s a criminal offense, and conviction could leave a person with a permanent criminal conviction.

Endangering the welfare of a child charges often accompany other types of proceedings, such as family court proceedings or child protective services investigations. If you find yourself charged with endangering the welfare of a child, it’s important to talk to a lawyer who’s experienced with those types of charges. For example, if you’re charged with excessive corporal punishment, which is sometimes the charge for endangering the welfare of a child, you may have defenses. Article 35 of the penal law, for example, may give you a complete defense to the charges.

The important thing is to know that there are solutions, it’s not hopeless, and if you speak to an experiences criminal defense attorney, they may be able to help you.

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