Schedule I Drugs
There are many different types of drugs that do different things, but the New York Public Health Law has created lists that designate what each type of drug is and which list it is a part of. These lists are then used in the regulation and controlling of the drugs and improper usage, sale, or creation can result in criminal charges being pressed. If you have been charged with criminal possession or any other criminal offense involving controlled substances, call now for a free consultation with one of our experienced New York criminal attorneys.
There are five different lists or schedules that name each of the drugs that are considered a controlled substance and they are extensive. There are hundreds of drugs mentioned, but our intention is to review the most common drugs that are named on each of the lists in an effort to make our clients, and everyone, more informed on just which drugs are included. For the full list, please see Public Health Law, section 3306.
Schedule I begins with naming opiates as the first drug on the list and goes on to name 70 specific iterations of an opiate drug. Some of the opiates named specifically on the list are diampromide, hydroxypethidine, propiram, ocfentanil and acryl fentanyl. Opium derivatives are also included on the list, of which 23 are named. Nicomorphine, codeine methylbromide and heroin are included in this list. Part d of the schedule includes hallucinogenic substances and lists 35 different iterations of hallucinogenic drugs such as marihuana, peyote, MDMA and PCP. Some of these drugs are popular as recreational drugs, but they are still controlled substances and can result in serious criminal charges if a person is found in possession of them or is found to be creating, distributing, or selling them.
Also listed in schedule I are depressants, such as fenethylline, norephedrone, and BZP along with 21 others. The final two categories included in the first schedule are synthetic cannabinoids and cannabimimetic agents. Synthetic cannabinoids are man-made drugs that are either sold as liquids to be vaporized and inhaled or sprayed on dried plant material to then be smoked. Cannabimimetic agents are agents that are included in cannabinoids to give it the effects the drug produces. There are 10 cannabinoids on the list and 20 cannabimimetic agents.
Of the 170 drugs that are specifically named on the schedule, we only mentioned a handful by name, but there are many more that do not have ‘common names’ that would be recognizable if we stated them. The most common charges that we see involving drugs tend to involve marihuana, MDMA and cannabinoids since like we mentioned above, they are traditionally the most recreational and popular even though they are illegal to possess if not legally issued by a doctor.
If you are facing a drug offense such as possession, distribution, or sale of any of the drugs that we listed here or that are part of the full list, call now for a free consultation with one of our experienced New York criminal attorneys to discuss your case.