Cruelty to Animals

Cruelty to animals encompasses many different forms of illegal actions involving animals. First, an animal in the statute is defined as any living creature other than a human being, which means all types of animals from livestock to pets to wild animals are all universally protected. If any unjustifiable physical pain, suffering, or death is permitted or caused to one such living creature, charges for animal cruelty may be brought. Since there are a multitude of charges that can encompass cruelty to animals, the penalties can range from fines to jail sentences and can lead to complicated court appearances. Call our experienced team of New York trial attorneys now to begin discussing defenses to these charges.

Animal cruelty charges do not only include violence towards animals, there are also sections of law that include provisions for abandonment and neglect of animals. Some parts of the penal code even dictate what types of shelter and care must be provided for pets who are kept outside. For the purposes of the New York statutes that involve animal cruelty, farm animals and pets are separated into different categories. Pets are defined as any dog or cat, or domesticated animal normally kept in the or near the owner’s household. Meanwhile, farm animals are given a definition that states a list of animals including poultry, goats, horses or any animal which is raised for subsistence or commercial purposes but does not include any cats or dogs. The two groups are both considered animals in the sense that they cannot be unjustifiably harmed, but are differentiated between when it comes to laws that are more specific to how the pets are supposed to be provided for when they are housed outside.

On top of the state charges for animal cruelty, new federal laws have passed regarding addition to the language, as well as additional actions that are punishable, making animal cruelty both a state and federal crime and punishable by felony charges. This complicates the severity of the offenses, but our experienced team of New York trial attorneys are here to help you handle these charges. One charge that was added is the offense of “crushing” which is the torture of animals, most commonly being filmed and posted online for viewing. The act of crushing as well as the act of filming it being done are both outlawed with this new inclusion to the law and distribution of such videos are punishable offenses as well, sometimes up to 7 years imprisonment.

Many of the various charges for cruelty against animals are classified under New York law as either a misdemeanor or a felony, usually depending on the amount of violence involved. Using animals to support arranged fighting is classified as a felony and is incredibly serious, possibly leading to imprisonment if not handled correctly. In order to formulate the best defense for these charges, call our experienced team of New York trial attorneys now and discuss your options. Animal cruelty charges are serious in nature, and the sooner you speak with someone on our team to assist you, the better.

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