Bribing or Otherwise Tampering With a Juror

As with bribing or tampering with a witness, it is also against the law to do so to a juror who is currently serving on a jury. Tampering with a juror is chargeable in two degrees, but there are also the charges of bribing a juror or providing a juror with a gratuity. Further, a juror can be charged with misconduct if they are on the receiving end of the bribe or tampering. If you have been charged with any offense involving bribing or tampering with a juror or are the juror accused of receiving a bribe, call now to speak to one our experienced New York criminal attorneys about your charges.

Both bribing a juror and receiving a bribe as a juror are class D felonies, which means the court can order significant jail time if convicted, as well as the possibility of significant fines. Bribing a juror applies when a person agrees or offers to transfer or does transfer any benefit to a juror in return for an agreement where said juror’s judgment, vote, decision, opinion, decision or any other action as a juror is influenced. In turn, if a juror agrees to accept or does accept and benefit in return for their action to be influenced as a juror, they can also be charged. A felony conviction also means the loss of any future ability to serve on a jury as well as other losses of rights, so call now for a free consultation with one of our attorneys.

Tampering with a juror is chargeable in two degrees, the lower being a class B misdemeanor and the higher being a class A. In its lowest form, tampering with a juror in the second degree applies when a person agrees to offer, offers or transfers any benefit or payment to a juror or a third person on behalf of the juror in trade for the juror or third person to relay information relating to the action the juror is sitting on. Additionally, if a person is acting on behalf of a juror and accepts the benefit or payment in exchange for information relating to the pending action the juror is sitting on, they can also be charged with this offense.

Tampering with a juror in the first degree applies when a person acts with intent to influence the outcome of the action the juror is sitting on, communicates with said juror unless they are authorized to do so by law. Alternatively, a juror is guilty of misconduct if they agree to give their opinion, vote, report or decision for or against a party in the action they are sitting on for any benefit transferred to them.

Tampering with or bribing a juror are serious charges and should not be taken lightly. If you or someone you know have been charged, call now for a free consultation with one of experienced New York criminal attorneys to discuss the charges and what options are available in making sure these charges are handled.

Bribing or Otherwise Tampering with a Juror

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