Somers Gun Crimes Attorney
Call 877-377-8666 to get Experienced Legal Help
The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives American citizens the right to bear arms. However, gun crimes in New York are associated with serious penalties, even if it’s for unlawful possession of a firearm.
If you have been arrested for a gun crime in Somers, NY, it is important to obtain legal counsel from an experienced criminal defense attorney. At Tilem & Associates, we are committed to helping you either get your charges reduced or your case dismissed entirely. With more than 25 years of experience, we understand what it takes to get the most favorable outcome possible.
Gun Crime Penalties in New York
You need to obtain a gun license in order to possess a firearm in New York legally. However, if you are found unlawfully in possession of a handgun, the penalties associated are quite severe.
Simple unlawful possession of a firearm is a class A misdemeanor, punishable by a maximum jail sentence of one year and a fine of up to $1,000. On the other hand, simple unlawful possession of a firearm with a previous criminal record, as well as unlawful possession of an assault weapon, is a class D felony. A class D felony is punishable by a maximum prison sentence of seven years.
Let Us Defend Your Rights Today
Our Somers criminal defense lawyer has protected the rights, reputations, and freedom of countless of clients. Our legal team can investigate your arrest and collect evidence necessary to develop a strong and customized defense strategy for you. Do not hesitate to get our help in order to get your life back to normal.
Contact us and request a free consultation today.